Breastfeeding in Public

I never thought I would have an issue with breastfeeding in public. I have always  been a pretty confident person, sure of myself and my decisions. So when I was a few weeks post partum and thinking about going out and about a bit more, it surprised me that I began to feel nervous at the thought of feeding my daughter around strangers.

If you have read my post about my breastfeeding journey then you will know that I was having other problems at this point and was still in a lot of pain when breastfeeding. This made me even more hesitant to feed in public as I felt I must be doing something ‘wrong’ and was more concerned that a breastfeeding veteran was going to insult my feeding style than I was worried about a negative comment from a member of the public. I timed all outings down to the minute to make sure that Darcie wouldn’t be hungry until I was back in the safety of my house. Once she was 6 weeks old the Health Visitor said that it would be okay to start pumping so I began pumping religiously every day so that I had milk to take out with me the next day. I literally felt like a cow at this point. If I wasn’t feeding, I was pumping. I have the utmost respect for  any ladies out there who exclusively pump because I don’t think I could do it. As much as I found breastfeeding hard at that point at least I was close to and cuddling my daughter at the same time. I found pumping pretty soul destroying. However I kept up so that I didn’t have to risk getting my boob out in public.

Eventually I’d had enough of feeling like a cow and basically decided to screw what anyone thinks I’m going to breastfeed in public. The first few times were nerve wracking but I was so proud of myself. I sent my partner a Snapchat of me feeding just to show off how brave I was feeling haha! It was difficult to keep myself quite covered up where I was so used to just baring all in my lounge but I got the hang of it and now think nothing of feeding Darcie out and about. It’s such a freeing thing to not have that worry hanging over me all the time. The last thing you want is for your baby to go hungry so to be worrying about where you are n ext going to feed can be really stressful. My advice to anyone struggling with this battle right now is just go for it! I can honestly say I haven’t had a single bad experience and I have now breastfed pretty much everywhere in front of everyone. Most of the time people don’t even notice and those that do tend to smile or just completely ignore what you are doing. The first time is the hardest but after that you’ll be whipping it out like there’s no tomorrow.

I’ve had Darcie on my lap whilst writing this but a rather large explosion has just occurred so I’m off to change a nappy!

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  1. tippytupps

    Well done you – the first time is always the hardest 🙂
    Ps. I have a Darcie too!!

    1. ohlovelydaysblog

      Thank you! Good choice, it’s such a beautiful name. I thought I’d picked something quite rare but since having her I’ve met loads! Think that’s always going to be the way haha!

  2. Valerie

    It’s great that your confidence is growing! Breastfeeding in public is such a big thing now, isn’t it? Can’t stand that it’s even an issue. :/
    “but a rather large explosion has just occurred so I’m off to change a nappy!” – This made me laugh! ^_^

    1. ohlovelydaysblog

      Thank you, yes I really think that once you just go for it you realise it isn’t a big deal at all.Women have literally been breastfeeding since the beginning of time so it’s crazy we even need to talk about it.
      Haha yes, you know how it is when you hear that rumbling sound! ^_^

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