Dear New Mummy

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Dear New Mummy,

You won’t believe me, but I know how you are feeling. I know that you’ve never felt a love like this before to the point that you can’t even understand how you ever existed before this beautiful little bundle came into your life and nestled into your arms. But you are also tired, so tired, and so overwhelmed. You probably don’t believe me when I say that I know how you are feeling, because no one has ever loved a baby as much as you love your baby. And no one has every felt as tired as you do now. (more…)

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Chicco Oh La La Stroller Review


We transitioned to the Chicco Oh La La Stroller when Darcie was around eleven months old. Our Mothercare three-in-one Xpedior pram had does us so well since she was born but as I was taking the bus more and more it felt like time for a much more lightweight and easier to fold down stroller. My mission for a new pram was basically to find something as light as possible, that I could fold up and down with one hand and that wasn’t going to eat too far into our mortgage fund. The Oh La La Stroller ticks all these boxes and I actually really love the design of it and the light grey colour. We got ours for £80 which is so affordable compared to a lot of other strollers that I  had my eye on and it weighs just 3.8kg which is the lightest we could find anywhere. (more…)

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Being Me, Being Mum

IMG_2534 (2)Since writing my post Confidence in Motherhood// Getting Personal, I’ve had a complete turnaround in how I’m feeling about myself and motherhood in general. I can honestly say I feel like a different person. When I wrote that post, I just needed to get it off my chest that I had been feeling that way. I’ve said many times before that this blog really is like therapy and that session definitely worked. I had so many lovely comments from you all, some expressing concern for me (seriously, I’m fine!) and a lot saying that they had been feeling exactly the same way. Since then I have been making a conscious effort to focus on myself a bit more and that in turn has brought my confidence back up. When I became a Mum I wrongly assumed that to be the best Mother I could possibly be meant that I had to sacrifice every other part of my personality and give up everything else that I loved in the process. It’s that ‘all or nothing’ side of my personality that sometimes leads me to great things but other times causes me to crash and burn. (more…)

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The New Forest Fairy Festival


Last Saturday we paid a visit to The New Forest Fairy Festival in Burley. We’d taken Darcie last year when she was four months old when she was too young to really appreciate what was going on but the excitement of having a baby girl to take to a fairy festival was too strong for me to resist! This year however she was able to enjoy the day a lot more. As she is now walking, she just loves having space to roam and explore and all the bright colours and music at the festival were an added bonus too. (more…)

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Mum & Toddler Monthly Faves// July

I love reading other blogger’s round up posts of their monthly favourites so this is my first go at creating one of my own.
Darcie is at an age now where she has a new favourite thing almost daily but I have tried to just round up the best of the bunch otherwise we would be here all day, and I’m sure we’ve all got more productive things we could be getting on with! You might notice that I’ve called her a toddler properly for the first time on this blog so I think we all need to take a minute and have a little cry about that. (more…)

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