Chickenpox is generally something you only face once as a parent and so I definitely think it’s good to be prepared for when your house is struck with the dreaded virus. When ViraSoothe offered to send me a chickenpox survival kit, I knew it would be a handy thing to have ready for when the inevitable happens. It’s also a great opportunity for me to share ideas with you all of how to cope when the time comes and what you could put in your own chickenpox survival kit.
So What’s In The Bag?
ViraSoothe have really covered all angles with this chickenpox survival kit, they have included:
Mike Has Chicken Pox – a story to help children understand the chickenpox.
Colour With Me, Mum – a beautiful colouring book for all the family to enjoy whilst stuck indoors.
Tendertouch Organic Bamboo Face Cloths – perfect for washing skin and not catching on scabs.
A Bath Toy – to keep them entertained while you give them cold baths (I’ve heard oat baths are good too!)
A Candle – is there ever a bad time for a scented candle?
ViraSoothe Spray Gel – relieves itching, supports healing and reduces scarring.
The survival kit has everything you could need to make having the chickenpox as stress free as possible and I’m so glad I now have this ready for when we need it.
Some More Tips
As I mentioned, we haven’t been hit by chickenpox yet so I have asked some other bloggers for their best tips, here are some of the things the suggested:
Snuggles on the sofa and lots of TV helped my two take their mind off the itching! – What Mummy Thinks
Showers had the longest lasting effect for me and took my mind off it as well for a few minutes. For the toddler, we kept his room cool and put him in loose clothing. For the baby, I just used milk when I could! (I had it as well as my two under 2) – The Growing Mum
Oats in one leg of the tights and placed in the bath. I honestly swear by this to stop itching – My Bump 2 Baby
Distraction is key,…borrow DVDs, go for lovely walks, do baking, play games, let then have longer on screens, story time…make it as lovely as possible I say to get through it! – A Beautiful Space
Cool baths, not too hot, not too cold (with oats in) and lots of them! – The Smallest Of Things
You can also find lots more information and ways to help your children on ViraSoothe’s website.
I hope some of those tips are helpful if you are currently suffering with the chickenpox in your house. I know I will certainly be referring back to this post in the future!
*Thank you to ViraSoothe for sending us the Chickenpox Survival Kit and for sponsoring this post.