I was kindly nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Emma at The Halcyon Years, if you haven’t ever read her blog before, go and have a nosy, I’m sure you’ll like what you find there! She actually nominated me a while a go but in true Hanna style I’m only now getting to it two months later. That’s the great thing I’ve found about Blogtober is that I am revisiting posts that have been sitting in my drafts for too long and finally getting around to hitting that little ‘Publish’ button.
For anyone who doesn’t know what the Liebster Award is (I didn’t either!), it is basically an award set up by The Global Aussie to give exposure to new(ish) bloggers. It’s a good way of sharing the love with other bloggers who you think deserve some credit for their slice of the internet. I was set eleven questions by Emma, which I have answered and then at the end of the post I will set new questions for my eleven nominees.
So here we go:
- Why did you start blogging?
I’d wanted to start blogging for years before I finally plucked up the courage to start. I suppose that when I had Darcie and entered the crazy world of Motherhood, I finally felt I had something that I wanted to write about. I love using my blog to record our days out and special moments in Darcie’s life but I also find it very therapeutic to sit down with a cup of tea and just write about whatever I am feeling at that moment. - What is your favourite item of clothing at the moment?
My favourite item of clothing at the moment is a black A Line mini skirt that I picked up in Primark last week. You can literally wear it with anything and I feel a lot more put together wearing it than I do when I’m in my usual jeans and tee. - If you could have one super power for 24 hours, what would it be?
I would love to be able to read minds. I always wonder what other people are thinking, what their real opinions of me are and how honest they are being. No doubt I’d find out some things that I might not want to know but it would definitely be interesting! - Why did you pick the name of your blog?
That was a long struggle! I had a list of blog names on my phone for months before finally committing to buying my own domain. In the end I went with Little Snippets because my blog is me sharing little snippets of my life and the name also leaves me totally open to change direction if I want to in the future. I wanted to include Darcie in the name of my blog but didn’t want any future children to be left out! - Who is the last dialled number on your phone?
Dan! Darcie actually managed to call him from my phone this morning. I’m glad it was just him as she’s managed to leave all kinds of voicemails for random people in the past! - Of all the countries you have visited, which one did you like the most?
I loved Norway! It was so, so beautiful and we had the best time exploring the country on our backpacking trip two years ago.
- Are you still happy with the name of your blog?
Yes, I only changed it a few months ago so I’m not bored of it yet! - If you could say one thing to your 13 year old self, what would it be?
Leave your eyebrows alone! And just keep doing what you’re doing; don’t worry about the future, life works out pretty great! - What is the best thing which has happened to you this week?
It’s only Monday so I don’t have much to choose from but I was really happy to receive a beautiful product in the post this morning with a brand that I’ll be running a giveaway with soon! Blogging is going really well at the moment and it makes me so proud of my little piece of the internet. - Apple or Samsung (or other?)
Apple! I’ve never had a Samsung product but I think I’ll be sticking with Apple in the future anyway. - Do you have a job (aside from blogging) and if so what is it?
I’ve just set up my own little business Little Dreamers Nursery Decor, you can find it on Instagram and Facebook. I make dream catchers and other little bits for nurseries which I’ll be expanding on soon when I find some time around my lovely little high maintenance toddler!
My nominees are:
Zoe from Mummy & Liss
Caitylis from Caitylis
Eileen from 2 Nerds & A Baby
Gee from Gee Gardner
Fern from MumConventional
Amy from Mama Mighalls
Katie from A Mother’s Love
Claire from Dear Mummy Bear
Maya from All Things Pink
Tamara from The Epileptic Blogger
Becca from My Girls & Me
My questions for you are:
1.How long have you been blogging for?
2.What is your biggest blogging achievement?
3.What would be your dream brand to collaborate with?
4.What is your favourite part of Motherhood?
5.What is the funniest thing that has happened to you since having children?
6.If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy?
7.What is your relationship status? If you have a partner, how did you meet?
8.How excited are you for Christmas on a scale of 1-10?
9.Who was your embarrassing celebrity crush when you were younger?
10.Do you have a party trick?
11.If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Please go and have a look at the girls I have nominated and Emma who nominated me, they all deserve so much recognition!#
Happy Monday everyone!