I received a lot of positive feedback on my post on how to start a blog, and so I thought I would continue to throw in the odd blogging related post to my site. I recently read a post from my lovely friend Zoe at Mummy & Liss where she wrote down her Five Things To Do Once You’ve Written A Blog Post. Any bloggers should definitely go over and have a read of that because she includes some really good points and ideas of ways to get your blog posts seen. Even if you aren’t a blogger you should head over and look at her blog because she has so many fantastic posts!
After reading Zoe’s post I realised that although I do some of those things to promote my blog posts, I don’t do all of them and I definitely don’t do them all of the time. I’ve been on a list writing spree recently and so a light bulb went off in my head to write down a blogging checklist to follow and I thought I would share it here too for anybody else to use too. So these are the things that I am now doing after writing a blog post:
This one is non negotiable, nobody wants to read a post that is badly written or full of typos.
I always include photos but I am making more of an effort with choosing a good image for the post and editing it to look as good as possible.
Create a ‘pinnable’ image and include it in your post
I’ve only recently started doing this. If you make an image that will do well on Pinterest linking back to your site, you can get a lot of traffic from it. It can be tedious but ultimately its worthwhile.
Goes without saying… Make sure you are putting it in the right category for your site and including tags.
Post to Facebook and Twitter
Mine is set up to do this automatically, but if you don’t want to do that just make sure you share the post onto these two sites manually.
Post a photo on Instagram
I usually use a photo from the blog post and write a caption letting everyone know there is a new post up and I always have a link in my bio to my site for them to follow.
Post a screenshot on your Instastories
I usually just screenshot the title of the post and the first image and add it to my story. As we all know Instagram likes to hide posts and so by putting it on your stories you might capture these people that otherwise would have missed it.
Pin it to Pinterest
Using that ‘Pinnable’ image that you created earlier, add your post to Pinterest making sure it links correctly to your post.
Stumble it
I’ve only recently started using Stumble Upon but it has rapidly become my biggest traffic source. By adding your page onto the site it will appear when people ‘stumble’ posts and can really boost your stats.
Schedule it again on Twitter
Repetition is key with Twitter and you can use a site like ‘Buffer’ to line up another tweet or few tweets to promote your new post again over the next few days.
I hope these tips will help some of you and I’m certainly going to be using this as a checklist for every post I write.
What are some things you do after writing a post?