I’m sure Easter is becoming a bigger celebration nationwide each year. This year I’ve seen people going all out with Easter Baskets, extravagant egg hunts and even Easter Trees. Easter traditions are becoming as popular as Christmas ones and while I’m definitely not an Easter Scrooge, I also certainly couldn’t be bothered to go all out in the same way that some people have. (That’s no shade on those that do, I just don’t have the energy this year!). We kept Easter quite low key, of course we got Darcie (and ourselves) a few Easter treats and I cooked us a roast dinner for lunch. But the highlight of the day for me was taking Darcie to a little Easter Egg Hunt at our local farm.
After all the rain we have had recently, it was particularly lovely to get out of the house and take Darcie on a little adventure. She is such an outdoorsy girl at heart and so spending too much time indoors really has an effect on her mood. Hopefully the weather will finally decide to be more Spring-like and we can have lots more time outside soon!
How did you spend your Easter?