Here we are again, another week has passed and so it is time for my weekly round up of things that have made me happy. I love writing these posts so I hope that you enjoy reading them.
1. Making salt dough decorations with Darcie
I tried to do this with her last year and it was nothing short of a total disaster. This year however was a completely different experience. Darcie loved sitting up on the counter and helping me make the dough, she rolled it out with me and loved using the cookie cutters to make different shapes and doing her little hand prints. Every time she put her hand in the dough she concentrated really hard, looked up at me and said ‘good?’ until I told her she was doing a great job, she just melts me! Last year they ended up rising in the oven but this time they have come out perfectly so the next job is just decorating!2. Seeing family and friends
We’ve managed to catch up with a lot of our favourites this week which is always nice. Even just having somebody round for a coffee really breaks up the day and it’s always lovely to have some adult conversation. These winter days are quite hard to fill so I’m always happy when someone suggests popping round or meeting up somewhere.
3. Soft play
I know, how could soft play make anyone happy? But it does, whenever I take Darcie and she enjoys herself it makes me so happy. She was a little overwhelmed when we went this week as we haven’t been for a while and she mainly wanted to run off to the arcade section but still I know it did her good to have a change of scenery and it’s always lovely to go with our pals and then treat the babies to a Babyccino in Costa afterwards.
4. Costa Mint Hot Chocolate
While Darcie was messing around with her Babyccino I tried the Mint hot chocolate in Costa and it was seriously good. To be honest it’s all I can think about right now as I’m writing this, I think I’m going to have to track one down later!
5. Christmas is around the corner
We did most of our Christmas shopping last weekend and so now I’m really excited for Christmas day and Darcie to get to play with her new toys. She’s outgrown most of her current toys so she will be so happy to get a fresh batch of grown up toys and I know that Dan is excited for some of them too, so we can all have fun on the day playing with them together.
6. A new weave
No, not some elaborate new hairstyle. I took the time to make something just for the fun of it, not for an order, not to make money, but just for the love of it. I’ve seen a lot of really amazing creative weaves on Instagram and so I had a go myself. I threw every colour I had at it and I love how it turned out! I don’t know when I allowed my tastes to become so monochrome and bland but I’m ready to embrace the world of colour back into my life.
7. A really good blogging opportunity
I’ll be working with a company I have wanted to work with for ages in the next few weeks and I couldn’t be more excited about it. Stay tuned.
8. Frosty walks
I was disappointed when we didn’t get snow this week as it seemed the rest of the country did, but we did get a nice pretty frosting instead. Darcie can’t handle being cooped up indoors so we’ve been out for a few crisp winter walks this week which she just loved. She was mesmerised by the frost and loved walking on the crisp, crunchy grass and trying to pick up the leaves that were frozen together. I never thought that I would care about frost but it was a great substitute snow for us this week and brought my baby girl lots of joy.
9. Food
My meal plan game has been strong this week which has meant having a lot of my favourite dinners to look forward to every evening. We bought Darcie a booster seat so she can sit up at the table with us and our family meal times have been so lovely. She’s going through a picky phase but she’s still nice to have around at dinner time, she’s learning to use her fork and she’s so pleased with herself every time she manages to use it correctly.
10. New words
Every day Darcie learns a new word and hearing the way she pronounces them is both adorable and hilarious in equal measure. She’s learnt to say Noah, who is her little best buddy (and future husband of course) and she really over pronounces the second syllable. No-WAH. The day she learnt to say it she didn’t stop all day and was still mumbling it to herself as she was falling asleep. Her vocabulary is coming on in leaps and bounds and it really won’t be long before we’ll be able to have proper conversations with her.
What has made you happy this week?