1. Are you a Stay at Home Mum, or a Working Mum?
I’m on Maternity Leave at the moment, I love the idea of working from home so that is the ultimate goal.
2. Would you have it any other way?
Not at all, I am loving being on Maternity Leave and am so glad I opted to take a whole year off. I feel very lucky to have been able to do this as Dan works very hard to support us all.
3. Do you co-sleep?
Not deliberately! I have nothing against co-sleeping and happily would but it makes Dan nervous that we are going to roll on her in the night. There have been some times though when it really is the only way we can all get any sleep so we have made the exception then.
4. What is your one must-have item for your baby?
When Darcie was newborn I used her baby carrier constantly as she was a very cuddly baby and it was the only way I could get anything done around the house and not just have to sit with her on the sofa all day! We also used her bouncy chair a lot as a safe place to put her down and she did used to nap in it occasionally too.
5. How many kids do you plan on having?
Me and Dan always both said we wanted 2 kids but since having Darcie he loves the idea of her being an only child and putting all out time and energy into her, while I now feel that I want a whole army of children and the more the merrier. So we obviously need to come to a compromise but I can imagine we will most likely have at least one more.
6. Date night? How many nights per month?
Haha! We haven’t had a date night since Darcie so that’s 8 months and counting. I think we will do soon though as we are both now feeling more ready to leave Darcie and go out together.
7. Your childs favourite show?
She loves Elmo, which is so cute. I found an Elmo toy in the H&M baby department and when I gave it to her she was so excited!
8. Name one thing you bought before you had your baby and never ended up using?
We didn’t use any of the 0-6 month GroBags we had bought as it was pretty warm when she was born and she wouldn’t sleep with anything over her. Luckily she has come around to the sleeping bags and blankets now that it is colder! The bath thermometer was only used a couple of times before we decided to trust ourselves to get the temperature. Also, as I breastfeed things like the bottle warmer and steriliser have only been used a couple of times when I have bothered to pump.
9. Your child’s favourite food?
Currently it is hummus, cheese and tomatoes.
10. How many cars does your family have?
One, Dan uses it to get to work so throughout the week I rely on buses which is fine because Darcie loves going on the bus!
11. Weight gain before pregnancy, during and after and now?
Oh dear. I’ve written a whole post about this here. I was around 119lbs before, around 175lbs once I gave birth and then I was stuck at around 135lbs for such a long time. I’m only just now starting to lose the rest and am currently 126lbs so not too much more to go!
12. Dream holiday with your kids?
Myself and Dan love backpacking and camping and just generally exploring. We would love to rent a little camper-van and drive all around Italy together, or go and stay in a cabin in Austria around Christmas time and go to all the markets.
13. Dream holiday without your kids?
Pretty much the same as what we would want to do with her, we both love the idea that you don’t have to change your whole life and interests just because you have a kid. We can still be us and do most (!) of the things we loved to do before she came along. Having said that it, now I am a tired Mumma Bear obviously it would be amazing to have a relaxing spa break somewhere tropical and luxurious!
14. How has your life changed since your baby has been born?
In every single way. She has made life so much more incredible than ever! Some things have definitely got harder though, I have to remind myself to give my attention to Dan and other people as well as just Darcie, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
15. Finish the sentence: ‘It makes my heart melt to see … ‘
Darcie and Dan playing together. He really is a great Dad to her!
16. Where do you shop for your kids?
My favourites are Next, M&S and Zara Baby. But a lot of the time my purse encourages me to shop in Sainsburys and Primark!
17. Favourite makeup and skincare products?
After a sleepless night, I love a good exfoliater to make me feel fresh faced in the mornings. I’m currently using the Boots Botanics range one and loving it! I also love my L’Oreal True Match foundation which I mix with my Rimmel primer for a more natural coverage.
18. Huggies or Pampers?
We actually use the Asda Little Angels nappies which I honestly think are as good as Pampers!
19. Have you always wanted kids?
Always! I’ve never been absolutely sure what I wanted to do with my life and what my calling was but have always known that being a Mum would make me extremely happy and I’m glad to say I was right.
20. Best part about being a mum?
Everything! I love the way Darcie looks up at me and gives me little secret smiles while I am feeding her, I love getting to relive my childhood through her, I love going to baby groups and watching her interact with other babies, I literally love it all! Except all the nappies… and having to clean the kitchen from top to bottom after every meal she eats!
I really enjoyed writing this! I tag all other Mummies reading this to have a go! Leave a link to your posts in the comments, I’d love to read them!
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