I really enjoy writing these round up posts of things that have made me happy this week but I lost track of them somewhere in November. However, now that Blogmas is here and I’ve rediscovered my blogging mojo, it’s time to bring them back. So here are ten things that have made me happy this week:
1. Darcie’s advent calendar
I’ve done Darcie a toy and book advent calendar again this year and so she gets to unwrap a little present each day in the run up to Christmas. Every morning it makes her so happy to open up the parcel and see what’s inside and I just know that she is going to be overjoyed on Christmas morning when she gets to open a lot more than one at a time!
2. Going to see the Christmas lights with Darcie
Our neighbours are Christmas crazy! Our whole Close is like Tinseltown and we couldn’t be happier about it. Darcie loves standing at the window and looking at them all when it gets dark so I decided to take her on an early evening walk around the village to look at them all. I wrapped her up in her little hat and gloves and we went to look at all the lights, she loved it and stopped to ‘ooh’ and ‘aaah’ at them all and wanted to go and play with the light up reindeer and inflatable snowmen. Seeing Darcie experience all these magical Christmassy things properly for the first time this year is such an amazing thing to be a part of and makes me so, so happy.
3. Louis Theroux
A random one, I know. Dan and I have been working our way through all the Louis Theroux documentaries on Netflix and it’s been such a nice thing to do together in the evenings and a way to switch off from work and parenting. Over the next few weeks Louis is going to have to take a backseat as I want to get out all the Christmas classics but this week we’ve been enjoying his programs hugely.
4. Putting the Christmas tree up
Another Christmas one. There is a bit of a theme starting to emerge now… We got our Christmas tree last weekend and I really enjoyed decorating it and making the house feel nice and festive. Darcie loves it too, particularly taking all the decorations off again, so it’s definitely kept us busy!
5. Little Dreamers orders
I’ve been keeping busy working on lots of custom orders for my new business Little Dreamers Nursery Decor (if you haven’t already entered my giveaway to win a free custom order you can click here). I love that this is going really well so far and I really enjoy having a reason to be creative on a daily basis.
6. Darcie’s matching pyjamas
We got Darcie a build-a-bear teddy for her birthday in May and since then I’ve been talking about how I really wanted to find her a pair of pyjamas to match. The teddy bear’s pyjamas are red tartan and quite festive and so I upped the anti on my search in December and finally tracked down an almost identical pair from Mamas & Papas. I’m sure I’ll be spamming my social media with photos just as soon as I can get her to sit still!
7. Getting my eyebrow done
I was long overdue an eyebrow appointment and so this week I made it a priority to do this small thing just to make myself feel a bit more human again. I’ve been really bad recently about letting myself fall to the bottom of the priority pile and so I’m determined to make a bit more of an effort to put myself first every once in a while.
8. Christmas gift guides
I’ve had Christmas Gift Guides looming at the top of my to do list for well over a month now. I really enjoyed writing them but they did become a small logistical nightmare. I won’t bore you with the details but the main thing is that this week I got them both finished and published, and it’s a huge weight off my mind. Thank you so much to all the companies that sent us some lovely things for the gift guides, I feel very blessed to have collaborated with so many fantastic brands. If you missed them you can find them here and here.
9. Christmas planning and Christmas radio
My last Christmas item I promise. I’ve been trying to get organised for Christmas with planning who we are seeing when and thinking about handmade crafts to do with Darcie for the family. All this has been accompanied by the wonder that is Magic Christmas radio, Darcie and I have spent a significant amount of the week dancing to Christmas music which she finds absolutely hilarious.
10. Feeding the ducks
We go down to feed the ducks quite frequently and Darcie always loves seeing them. I think they are very spoilt ducks and so usually aren’t interested in whatever Darcie is trying to feed them. She just so happened to be eating some Nice biscuits and threw some in for them (I know you probably really shouldn’t feed ducks biscuits, but it happened) and they went crazy for them. She had the best time throwing in crumbs for them and put her hands in the air and saying ‘yayy!’ every time they ate the biscuits. It was just one of those everyday moments that it’s easy to take for granted but it really put a smile on my face.
I hope you have all had a lovely week and are enjoying your weekend so far. What have been your highlights from the week?