Now we are in February, I’m acutely aware of how late I am for posting all about my goals for this year, and also my reflections of 2019. Do not fear, those posts are on the way (for now you can read last years goals and my round up of 2018 if you’re feeling nosy) but for now I just wanted to write about one of the biggest changes that the last six months has brought me. Confidence with driving! I know, I didn’t ever think I’d be writing that down either but here we are! if you’re a long time reader or a follower on Instagram, then you will know all about how much I have struggled with this. Driving has been my biggest fear I’ve ever had to overcome, I’m not sure I’ll ever totally do it but my confidence compared to this time last year is amazing.
One of the big motivators that pushed me to make a change was Darcie starting preschool. We chose a forest school for Darcie, which is a short drive away from our house so it really became essential for me to start driving. I passed my test in 2015 just before I fell pregnant with Darcie and have just never had much of a reason to drive since. And I think it was that big gap in driving experience that knocked me and made me question whether or not I was capable.
Having a car and the confidence to drive it (haven’t quite cracked the motorway yet, but one step at a time!) has seriously changed my life for the better. Being a stay at home mum can be isolating and I was having to wait for the weekends to be able to go anywhere further afield when Dan was at home. It knocked my confidence in general, and honestly I just felt a bit useless for having to rely on other people for lifts.
So now I love zipping around with the kids in the week. We are going out more and doing more exciting things. We’re so lucky to have the New Forest on our doorstep and now we are actually able to make the most of that.
The cost of running the car hasn’t been too bad either. Kwik Fit recently released a campaign all about the most expensive cities to own a car in, and Southampton came out second last which is rather wonderful. We do have quite a big car and fuel isn’t cheap but we are definitely saving money now that Dan isn’t driving it to work everyday and is using his motorbike instead.
The biggest bonus of course though, has just been my freedom, and the ability to take the kids to new places. We can see our friends as and when we please without having to rely on anyone for a lift, and having that independence has really made a huge difference to my happiness as a stay at home mum.